Nicole Drakos

Research Blog

Welcome to my Research Blog.

This is mostly meant to document what I am working on for myself, and to communicate with my colleagues. It is likely filled with errors!

This project is maintained by ndrakos

MIRISim Troubleshooting Part VII

This is a continuation of Part VI/

FITS Files

In the last post, I realized that if I just replaced the header of my scene (Scene A), this the test galaxy in Test 4 (Scene B), I was able to see sources in my simulation. The header in Scene B is definitely wrong, but I thought this could be a good starting point to see where things are going wrong in Scene A.

Here are the headers for Scene A:

and Scene B:

Note that this is what the MIRISim documentation says:


1) I changed UNITS3 to CUNITS3. This didn’t make any difference.

2) I multiplied the flux by 1000000 (in case units are wrong). There are possibly some sources, but it is hard to tell:

3) I tried changing the units to say “arcsec” instead of degrees, and it made no difference

Next steps

Overall I’m very puzzled about what’s happening!

I will

  1. Go through an example notebook, as pointed out in the MIRISim documentation
  2. Try adding background + noise directly to the scene fits file, so I can visually see the galaxies better
  3. Create the scene for the full DREaM catalog

« MIRISim Troubleshooting Part VI
MIRISim Troubleshooting Part VIII »