Nicole Drakos

Research Blog

Welcome to my Research Blog.

This is mostly meant to document what I am working on for myself, and to communicate with my colleagues. It is likely filled with errors!

This project is maintained by ndrakos

Merger Simulation Setup

I will be running a suite of mergers for Justin (at Waterloo), who is looking at the time oscillations of dark matter halo properties. Here are my notes on the setup.

Fiducial Case

The fiducial case will be two NFW halos with a mass ratio of 5:1, and orbital parameters \(\eta =1\) (energy divided by the energy of a circular orbit at the virial radius) and \(\epsilon=0.5\) (circularity; the angular momentum divided by the angular momentum of a circular orbit with the same energy). We will assume both NFW halos have a concentration of 10, and truncate the ICs at these radii.

Creating the particle ICs

Set up ICs for each individual halo

I generated each halo using ICICLE. Each truncated NFW profile needs to be given \(G\), \(m\), \(N_0\), \(r_s\) and \(r_{\rm vir}\). I will set \(G=1\).

Halo A has parameters \(r_{s, A}=1\), \(r_{\rm cut, A = 10}\), \(N_{0,A} = 5\times 10^5\), \(m = 1/N_{0,A} = 2 \times 10^{-6}\). After truncation, \(N_A=321676\) and \(M_A\approx0.64\).

Halo B is intended to have 1/5th of the mass and the same “concentration” as Halo A. The mass of each particle will be kept as $m$. The “virial radius” should scale as \(r_{\rm vir, B} = \left(\frac{M_{B}}{M_{A}} \right)^{1/3} r_{\rm vir, A}\). Therefore, I set \(r_{\rm cut, B} = 5.85\) and \(r_{s, B} = 0.585\). I begin with \(N_{0,B} = N_{0,A}/5 = 10^5\) particles, resulting in \(N_B=64333\) and \(M_B\approx 0.13\) after truncation.

Note: for the last test simulation I sent, I just kept \(r_s=1\) the same for each halo. This would mean that they had different concentrations, though both were truncated at \(r_s=10\). I think the way I set it up here is more physical.

Determine orbital parameters

At time=0 halo A will be placed at the origin, and given no net velocity (i.e. we make no change to the ICs from ICICLE).

Halo B will be given a net velocity, and a radial separation to give the proper orbital parameters (eta and epsilon).

There is some discussion in Drakos et al. 2019a about the eta and epsilon parameters, and how they are calculated. Neither is particularly well-suited for describing isolated simulations. Nevertheless, we want mergers that are representative of those found in simulations. Therefore, I’m going to make a number of assumptions to get orbital parameters that seem reasonable (we can update these parameter calculations later if you would like).

I am going to do these calculations assuming Halo B is a point-mass (with mass \(M_B\)) orbiting within the (infinitely extended) Halo A. Halo A will then be described by an NFW profile with mass \(M_{A,untrunc} = N_{0,A}*m\) inside \(r_{vir,A}=10\). The calculated energies will not be the same as if we had calculated them directly from the particles (i.e. Eqs 5 and 6 in Drakos+2019a).

1) Convert eta -> orbital energy and epsilon -> angular momentum

The energy of this orbit is:

rvir = 10; G = 1; r_s = 1; N0 = 5e5; m = 2e-6
rho0 =  N0*m / (4.0*pi*r_s*r_s*r_s*(log(1 + rvir/r_s)-rvir/(r_s+rvir)))
E = -2.0*pi*G*rho0*r_s*r_s*r_s*( np.log(rvir/r_s +1.0)/rvir + 1.0/(rvir+r_s)) #relative energy

For \(\eta \approx 1\), this corresponds to an orbital (relative) energy of -0.11 in the simulation units.

The (relative) angular momentum of a circular orbit at the radius with the same energy (for \(\eta=1\) this is just the virial radius) is:

rc = rvir
M = 4.0*pi*rho0*r_s**3 * (np.log(1 + rc/r_s)-rc/(r_s+rc))
Vc = np.sqrt(G*M/rc)
Lc = rc*Vc #relative angular momentum

for a circularity of 0.5, this corresponds to a (relative) angular momentum of \(L = 0.5*Lc = 1.58\) in the simulation units.

Therefore, we will set the energy of the orbit to -0.11 and the angular momentum to 1.58.

2) Convert (relative) orbital energy and angular momentum to radial separation and initial velocity

from scipy import optimize
def NFW_orb_params(E,L,rho0,r_s,G):
    # given the energy and angular momentum of a point mass Mpoint
    # orbiting in NFW profile with params rho0 and r_s
    # returns v0 and rsep for ICs

    def myfunc(rsep,E,L,rho0,r_s,G):

        v0 = L/(rsep)

        K =  v0**2/2
        P = - 4* np.pi*G*rho0*r_s**3 * np.log(rsep/r_s +1.0) / rsep
        Eorb = P+K # (relative) orbital energy

        return (E-Eorb)

    rsep = optimize.root(myfunc,r_s,args=(E,L,rho0,r_s,G)).x[0]
    v0 = L/rsep

    return rsep, v0

This gives \(v0=0.69\) and \(rsep = 2.29\) in the simulation units.

Add ICs together

I add [r_sep, 0, 0, 0, v0 , 0] to the [x,y,z,vx,vy,vz] values of Halo B, and combine the two IC files.

The total number of particles is 386009 particles, each with mass 2e-06.

Running the Simulation

I used James’ “write_single_ICs” program to convert the ICs to the binary gadget format.

I just set these parameters the same as before, with the assumption they should be reasonable:

TimeMax 100
TimeBetSnapshot 1
SofteningHalo 0.02
ErrTolIntAccuracy 0.02

We can update these if needed. All the other Gadget parameters were pretty standard.

I then ran the simulation on the supercomputer lux.