Nicole Drakos

Research Blog

Welcome to my Research Blog.

This is mostly meant to document what I am working on for myself, and to communicate with my colleagues. It is likely filled with errors!

This project is maintained by ndrakos

BEAGLE Installation

I plan on using BEAGLE to create a “parent catalog” of SEDs.


Ryan very kindly gave me instructions on how to install BEAGLE. Here are his instructions:

  1. Install Docker

  2. Get the beagle images: docker pull beagletool/beagle:0.24.4

  3. Run beagle by running its docker container: docker run beagletool/beagle:0.24.4 ARGS

  4. You can think of “docker run beagletool/beagle:0.24.4” being equivalent to a command called beagle. For example, running “docker run beagletool/beagle:0.24.4 –help” will return the help menu from beagle.

This worked perfectly.

Running BEAGLE

From the help menu. the usage is:

BEAGLE --parameter-file value [--fit] [--mock] [--test-speed] [--n-test value] [--profiling] [--help] [--version]

I will want to create a mock catalog, but I need to figure out how the parameter file should be formatted…

Table 2 in their paper lists all the adjustable parameters, but I can’t find a description or example of a paramter file anywhere. Need to check with Brant if he has any ideas, or contact the authors (though I think they left the field?).

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