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Nicole Drakos

Research Blog

Welcome to my Research Blog.

This is mostly meant to document what I am working on for myself, and to communicate with my colleagues. It is likely filled with errors!

This project is maintained by ndrakos

Production of Ionizing Photons

As described in this post), we want to calculate the production of ionizing photons.


The production of ionizing photons is given by:


where ρUV=0ϕ(L)dL.

Using the values from the catalog this can be rewritten as:


where ξion is in units [Hz/ergs] and L1500 is in units ergs/Hz/s (I need better notation here). L1500 can be calculated from the UV magnitude, MUV.


Here is what I get (using the test catalog, that only contains more massive galaxies):

If I compare this to Fig 7. From Naidu2020,

you can see that I have roughly the right shape, but my rate is much smaller, and drops off faster. I am, however, using a truncated catalog that only contains the most massive galaxies.

Next Steps

I’m going to calculate all of this for the full DREaM catalog, and see if my numbers make more sense (I probably should make the same mass cuts to see if I get the same numbers as in e.g. Naidu2020).

If they work, great! Otherwise I’ll need to troubleshoot all the ingredients a bit more carefully. In particular, I need to dig into the ξion calculation, since those seemed like they might be a little off.

« The Escape Fraction
The Intrinsic Production Rate Part II »