Nicole Drakos

Research Blog

Welcome to my Research Blog.

This is mostly meant to document what I am working on for myself, and to communicate with my colleagues. It is likely filled with errors!

This project is maintained by ndrakos

The Intrinsic Production Rate Part III

Here is a new update on the intrinsic production rate calculation for the galaxies (continuation from Part I and Part II).

Spectra Parameters

Dust: I played around with these a bit, and verified setting dust_type=0; dust_index=0 is equivalent to keeping dust_type=2 and setting dust2=0.

Really, to fix things I had to turn the nebular emission model off

What seems to be happening is that the ionizing photons were being absorbed by gas around stars.

Updated Plots

Here is what the spectra looks like now:

And here are the xi_ion values

These look much better.

There looks like there is some discretization in the second plot (similar to what Mark Dickinson found when looking at emission lines). I think this is probably due to some sort of discretization in how FSPS is creating the spectra, or where the spectral lines are, but I should dig into this more, to make sure it isn’t an unwanted discreteness in the redshift values of the galaxies.

« The Intrinsic Production Rate Part II
Production of Ionizing Photons Part II »