Nicole Drakos

Research Blog

Welcome to my Research Blog.

This is mostly meant to document what I am working on for myself, and to communicate with my colleagues. It is likely filled with errors!

This project is maintained by ndrakos

Updates on COSMOS-Web Images

Status of Project

What I’ve Done So Far

  1. I have the input catalog, DREaM. I have also calculated photometry for a number of other bands too.

  2. I have run a Mirage image on a reduced catalog (only taking the brightest objects) for one December visit

  3. I sorted out how to run the basic reduction pipeline to check my simulated images, and also added the 1/f noise fix

  4. I made a “COSMOS-Web Image Catalog”. This is the full 1 deg^2 DREaM catalog, but I removed anything that wasn’t brighter than at least 32 mag in one of the bands. This reduced the size of the catalog a factor of two. This will be the catalog I use for this project.

Immediate Next Steps (Complete before November 1)

  1. Parallelize the code (this post)

  2. Double check galaxy positions are correct (this post)

  3. Make sure I can get things running on CANDIDE (this post)

  4. Get star list to add

  5. Run Mirage on the full “COSMOS-Web Image” Catalog for all 6 December visits.

  6. Look into simulating MIRI images

Longer Term

  1. Get images for the full data release (not just the December visits)

  2. Look into lensing effects (talk to lensing group, maybe revisit galsim)


Mirage A - Make Mirage Catalog

This I can just do on my laptop, and take as the input catalog.

Mirage B - Run Mirage

There are two steps: the first creates yaml files, and the second makes an image for each yaml file. The first step runs very quickly, and the second step is trivial to parallelize.

I’ll just use the Pool function in Python, as they suggest

yaml_files = glob(output_dir+'/*yaml')

def make_sim(yfile):
    if yfile ==(output_dir+'observation_list.yaml'):

    myfile = yfile.replace(output_dir,simdata_output_dir)
    myfile = myfile.replace('.yaml', '_uncal.fits')

    if exists(myfile) and skip:
        print(myfile + ': already exists, skipping')

    img_sim = imaging_simulator.ImgSim()
    img_sim.paramfile = yfile

if __name__ == "__main__":
    pool = Pool(cpu_count()), yaml_files)

Pipeline Steps 1 and 2

Steps 1 and 2 of the pipeline are run separately on each file. Therefore, I will parallelize these in the same way as above.

Pipeline Step 3

As far as I can tell, this is not a step that is straight-forward to parallelize. I’ll leave it for now, and check in with what others are doing.

Double Checking Galaxy Positions

Note that I rearranged my work flow. Now my test catalog includes all galaxies with masses \(10^{10}\) solar masses. I also updated the jwst python package to the newest release (1.6.2 -> 1.7.2).

I reran my code to make Mirage images and the JWST pipeline (also checking my parallelization code was working fine)

Here are the images (1 visit)

Here are the objects that should be in it:

Looks good, but there might be some very slight offsets.


These are my notes on getting Mirage running on CANDIDE, a computer cluster at IAP. This is the cluster I will be using for COSMOS-Web image related tasks.

I have a directory in home in which I’ll put my scripts, and I will create a directory in “n23data1” where I will store all the data

I will use the path Henry gave for the CRDS files and the path Max gave me to his Mirage reference files, so I don’t have to redownload them.

Conda environment

I am going to use conda enviornments to install my python packages.

I can downloaded:

mkdir -p ~/miniconda3
wget -O ~/miniconda3/

Then, whenever I want to use this, I need to type source ~/miniconda3/etc/profile.d/ first (I added this to my .bashrc file)

To create an environment named jwst: conda create -n jwst To use this environment: source activate jwst To download packages: conda install -n jwst [package] or, if they only have pip installs ~/miniconda3/envs/jwst/bin/pip install package_name

Job Script

Here is my job script:

#!/bin/env zsh
#PBS -S /bin/zsh
#PBS -j oe
#PBS -l nodes=1:ppn=24,walltime=8:00:00

# Set variables
export MIRAGE_DATA=/n23data1/mfranco/mirage_data
export CRDS_PATH=/n23data1/hjmcc/jwst/mirage/crds_cache

# Load modules
module () {
  eval $(/usr/bin/modulecmd bash $*)
module load openmpi/4.1.4
source ~/miniconda3/etc/profile.d/
conda activate jwst

# Run Program
cd /home/ndrakos/COSMOS-Web/MIRAGE
mpirun -np 24 python

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Quiescent Galaxies in COSMOS-Web »