Research Blog
Welcome to my Research Blog.
This is mostly meant to document what I am working on for myself, and to communicate with my colleagues. It is likely filled with errors!
See this post for Part I and this post for Part IV.
Here I am looking closer at the z=4 galaxies. To do this, I am taking all the galaxies between 3.99 and 4.01. This results in 1260 galaxies (1254 that are star-forming and 6 that are quiescent) for the 512 simulation.
Here is the distribution of FSPS parameters for these galaxies:
I plotted these z=4 galaxies on the MUV–β plots, coloured by different galaxy properties to see how they fall in this parameter space. We expect that β should depend on age, metallicity, dust, and SFR.
The dotted lines are the expected relations. We can see that the points do roughly follow the expected relation, but when we take the mean beta value in bins of MUV, doesn’t quite have the right trend.
Overall, from the plots below, seems like dust is the parameter that is going to matter the most.