Nicole Drakos

Research Blog

Welcome to my Research Blog.

This is mostly meant to document what I am working on for myself, and to communicate with my colleagues. It is likely filled with errors!

This project is maintained by ndrakos

Ionized Fraction

I outlined the reionization modelling in this post.

Here, I am going to begin to outline my calculation of the IGM ionized fraction in the DREaM catalog.


The volume-filling fraction of ionized gas:

\[\frac{ dQ_{\rm HII} }{ dt} = \frac{ \dot{n}_{\rm ion} } {\langle n_H \rangle} - \frac{Q}{\bar{t}_{\rm rec}}\]

Emissivity of Ionizing Photons

\(\dot{n}_{\rm ion}\) is the co-moving emissivity of ionizing photons. I outlined the calculation for this in previous posts (see here). This is what I am using for the “fiducial” reionization model. I will also explore other variations in the future.

Here is a plot, where I have added on measurements from the Lyman alpha forest:

Our model agrees well with Naidu 2020 and Yung 2020, including the disagreement with the Ly\(\alpha\) forest constraints. I will try and plot other models on top of ours at some point (I’ll see if their data is tabulated, or if I have to read it off the plot somehow).

I need to read up a bit on the Ly\(\alpha\) forest constraints; how exactly they are obtained and why the Becker measurements disagree with the Kuhlen measurements. I think Yung 2020 shows you can reconcile things with a different \(f_{\rm esc}\) model.

Density of Hydrogen

The volume-averaged co-moving density of intergalactic hydrogen is given by:

\[\langle n_H \rangle = X \Omega_b \rho_c/m_{H}\]

\(\Lambda\)CDM parameters:

I calculated \(\langle n_H \rangle =1.9\times 10^{-7} cm^{-3}\), which is identical to what is found in Madau & Dickinson 2014.

Hydrogen Recombination Time

The recombination time of ionized hydrogen in the IGM is given by:

\[t_{\rm rec} = [ C_{\rm HII} \alpha_B (1 + (1-X)/4X) \langle n_H \rangle (1+z)^3 ]^{-1}\]

The clumping factor, \(C_{\rm HII} = \langle n_H^2 \rangle/ \langle n_H \rangle^2\) is the redshift-dependent HII clumping factor that models the inhomgeneity of the IGM.

I will start by using just a constant value (e.g. 3) to get this working, but I want to implement the Pawlik model, and see how much this changes things.

\(\alpha_B\) is the the temperature-dependent case B recombination coefficient for hydrogen. There are some variations here to what people use. There is a good description of what “case B recombiation” means in Raicvic et al. 2014.

Given all this, I will follow Sun2016, Naidu2020 and use \(10^4\) K as the fiducial temperature, but explore the effects of this assumption.

« Measurement Uncertainties in the DREaM Catalogs
IGM Neutral Fraction »