Nicole Drakos

Research Blog

Welcome to my Research Blog.

This is mostly meant to document what I am working on for myself, and to communicate with my colleagues. It is likely filled with errors!

This project is maintained by ndrakos

IGM Neutral Fraction

In this post, I calculate the IGM neutral fraction.

The Ionized Fraction

As outlined in the previous post the volume-filling fraction of ionized gas is:

\[\frac{ dQ_{\rm HII} }{ dt} = \frac{ \dot{n}_{\rm ion} } {\langle n_H \rangle} - \frac{Q}{\bar{t}_{\rm rec}}\]


For \(\dot{n}_{\rm ion}\) I will use all the galaxies in the DREaM catalog. Later on, I can decide if I should make a cut in luminosity. I will interpolate this to get \(\dot{n}_{\rm ion}\) as a function of \(z\)


First, I reframed this in terms of redshift:

\[\frac{ dQ_{\rm HII} }{ dt} = \frac{ dQ_{\rm HII} }{ dz}\frac{ dz}{ dt} = -(1+z)H(z) \frac{ dQ_{\rm HII} }{ dz}\]

where I can just calculate \(H(z)\) from some package; I used colossus.

I need a boundary condition. In this case, I will use \(Q_{\rm HII}=0\) at \(z=12\)

I integrating the equation to \(z=4\) using odeint and set a maximum \(dQ_{\rm HII}\) value of 1.

The neutral fraction is simply \(1-Q_{\rm HII}\).


Here are my results, compared to the data compiled by Naidu2020. It looks great! There are a few modelling choices I want to explore later, but this is enough to get started.

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