Research Blog
Welcome to my Research Blog.
This is mostly meant to document what I am working on for myself, and to communicate with my colleagues. It is likely filled with errors!
This project is maintained by ndrakos
I am planning to calculate the reionized region around each galaxy in the DREaM catalog using a simple shell model.
This is a continuation from previous posts, Part I and Part II.
As outlined in the previous post, I calculated the volume around each galaxy to be:
\(V(t) = f_{\rm esc}\dfrac{e^{- n_H C \alpha t}}{n} \int e^{ n C \alpha t} \dot{N}_{\rm ion} dt\),
which gave values that I suspect are too large, as shown here:
Some relevant papers (this was from a quick search, not an in-depth literature review):
The most relevant plot was in Yajima et al., which shoes the expected (physical) size of bubbles for individual galaxies:
Looking at these papers, It seems like ~1Mpc (physical), or ~10Mpc (comoving) is about the maximum size of bubble you should expect around an individual galaxy.
Therefore, my calculation is likely not realistic. I think that this might be because I used \(n_H\) at the present day, when really it should be a function of redshift.
I had begun with this equation (from Magg et al. 2018..):
\[\dot{V} = \dfrac{f_{\rm esc}\dot{N}_{\rm ion} (t)}{n_H} - n_H C \alpha V\]this equation says that the volume of ionized regions grows with ionizing radiation, and decreases with recombinations. Clearly, the mean hydrogen density, \(n_H\), should be dependent on time.
Further, looking at Yajima et al., I think I should include the cosmic expansion (which was neglected in Magg+, since it cosmic timescales were large compared to the timescales they considered.)
Therefore, our equation becomes (where I have used primes to denote \(d/dz\))
\(\dot{V}(t) = \dfrac{f_{\rm esc}\dot{N}_{\rm ion} (t)}{n_H(z)} + (3H(z) - n_H(z) C \alpha) V(t)\) \(- H(z) (1+z) V'(z) = \dfrac{f_{\rm esc}\dot{N}_{\rm ion} (z)}{n_H(z)} + [3H(z) - C \alpha n_H(z) ] V(z)\) \(- H(z) (1+z) V'(z) = \dfrac{f_{\rm esc}\dot{N}_{\rm ion} (z)}{n_H^0 (1+z)^3} + [3H(z) - C \alpha n_H^0 (1+z)^3] V(z)\)
I cant solve this as pretty as I did before, but I can use on ODE solver (either in python or write my own). This equation will also require calculating \(\dot{N}_{\rm ion}\) and \(H(z)\) at each time step in the ODE calculation. This may be significantly slower, so we might want to come up with approximations if the speed becomes prohibitive.