Research Blog
Welcome to my Research Blog.
This is mostly meant to document what I am working on for myself, and to communicate with my colleagues. It is likely filled with errors!
This project is maintained by ndrakos
In this post I’m going to troubleshoot why my MIRI simulations don’t have any visible sources.
This is a continuation of Part I, Part II, and Part III.
For Test 4, I will read in a FITS file with just 1 test galaxy, where I make the fits file using the MIRISim capabilities.
Here is my code for making a FITS file. The example galaxy is the same, bright, large, galaxy used in Troubleshooting I.
from mirisim.config_parser import SceneConfig, SimConfig
from mirisim.skysim import Background, Point, Galaxy, Skycube
from mirisim.skysim import sed
galaxy = Galaxy(Cen = (0,0),n=1.,re=5.,q=0.4,pa=0)
PL = sed.PLSed(alpha = 0, flux = 1e7, wref = 10.) #reference flux [microJy] at wavelength [microns]
scene = galaxy
FOV = np.array([[-57.,57.],[-57.,57.]]) # field of view [xmin,xmax],[ymin,ymax] (in arcsec)
SpatialSampling = 0.1 # spatial sampling (in arcsec)
WavelengthRange = [5,15] # wavelength range to process (in microns)
WavelengthSampling = 0.5 # channel width (in microns)
scene.writecube(cubefits = 'scene.fits',
FOV = FOV, time = 0.0,
spatsampling = SpatialSampling,
wrange = WavelengthRange,
wsampling = WavelengthSampling,
overwrite = True)
Here is what the source looks like:
Here is the header:
Here is the first dither/observation:
Here is the header for the DREaM file:
One thing to do is check that I am specifying the UNITS for the DREaM header. Other than that, nothing obvious pops out at me.
There are two things I want to pursue next: